NECSD Division of Technology and Information


Year End Projects and Reviews: A Great Time to Start Using Google Classroom!

Our district is fortunate to have every teacher and student enrolled in a private G Suite Education domain, and  teachers have had increasing success using this online tool to engage their students.  For those who have not yet explored Google Classroom, now is a great time to make that leap and have students take further…

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Working with  PDF Documents and Converting Them to DOC Format in G Suite

As we move further and further along with our transition to G Suite and Chromebooks, questions inevitably arise.  One recent question from the field is: Do you know a way to work with  PDF documents and convert them to DOC in G Suite? Thanks! Yes, this is something that can be done in G Suite!…

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Getting Ready for NECSD Gmail

As part of the yearlong transition from Microsoft to G Suite for Education, the Division of Information and Technology is working behind the scenes to ensure a smooth experience for all.  Our team of Instructional Technology Facilitators (ITF) has participated in formal Google certification programs and continues to grow their expertise with this robust set…

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Saving a Requestor’s Form in MLP

Q.  Can an “approver” save work they are doing on a “requestor’s” form.   For example, if they have added a few items can they save as they wait for a PO number?   A.   At the bottom of a Request Form there will be an option to “Save as Draft” or “More Info”. This opens up the…

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Review of Google Essentials

As we prepare for our full transition to G-Suite for Education, including Gmail and Google Calendar, there are essential skills that apply to most of the suite (i.e. Docs, Sheets, Presentations).  This one-pager provides a list of these essentials, as well as a short “how to” for each.  District employees who would like to attend…

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Google Drive

Bulk Uploading Files and Folders to Google Drive

As the district transitions to G-Suite for Education, users may want to move files and folders to Google Drive.  Below are steps for doing so, including a few suggestions to consider. Create a folder on your desktop and label it”Original Files.” Place into the “Original Files” folder all files and folders you plan to move…

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Approving Conference Requests in My Learning Plan

As we move forward with the implementation of My Learning Plan (MLP), this handout from the vendor provides useful information regarding the steps to approve/deny/request more information for conference requests.  

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